Rehearsal Plan for Sunday 9/29

Happy Tuesday!

Great work on Sunday 9/22. Thank you to the string coaches who worked with our sections. Below is a recap of our rehearsal and our plan for Sunday 9/29.

RECAP of 9/22 rehearsal

  • Worked on Missy Mazzoli‘s Orpheus Undone, Part 1: Behold the Machine (O Death). We read the whole Part 1, then worked from the beginning until letter [L]
  • SECTIONALS on Tchaikovsky. String sections covered:
    • Allegro giusto (m. 112) to m.164
    • Letter K to m.285
    • Letter L to m.307
    • Letter O to m. 368
    • Letter S to Letter U.
  • Winds/brass/percussion worked on Tchaikovsky from the beginning to letter [O].

Rehearsal Plan for Sunday, September 29

  • 4:00pm-5:00pm – tutti: Tchaikovsky, beginning to letter [O]
  • 5:00pm-5:30pm – tutti: Mazzoli, letter [H] to end of Part 1
  • 5:30pm-5:45pm – break
  • 5:45pm-7:00pm – sectionals (see below)

Sectional split for 9/29:

  • Horns – Mazzoli, Tchaikovsky as needed
  • Trumpets – Mazzoli, Tchaikovsky as needed
  • Low brass – Mazzoli, Tchaikovsky as needed
  • Strings, woodwinds – Beethoven Leonore Overture: Presto (m. 514) to end; Allegro (m. 37) to m. 272.

LISTEN to our repertoire constantly

It’s always a good idea to find several different versions of each of the pieces we’re playing. Add them to your regular listening rotation. You can always start with the recordings that I’ve shared on the sidebar of this blog. The more variety you find, the more informed your own performance will be.

Concerto Competition

The webpage for our Concerto Competition is now live. You’ll find all the information you need, including deadlines, rules and forms. The registration deadline is Monday, October 14. Video entries are due Friday October 18.

Extra/replacement parts on the MYS website

  • As always, you can find practice PDFs or print your own replacement parts on your Online Music Library. The password is playmys.

Violins for sale

I have a couple of full-size violins for sale if anybody is interested. Shoot me an e-mail and I’ll give you more information.


Happy practicing,

Dr. G.

MYS Musicians | September 2024

Posted in Symphony Orchestra

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