Metropolitan Youth Symphony believes in the power of the arts and the critical importance of music education in our schools. Every child should have the opportunity to learn an instrument regardless of socioeconomic status, racial or ethnic background, or geographical location. When young people participate in instrumental music, they are four times more likely to be recognized for academic achievement and they have better school attendance, lower dropout rates, higher confidence, and stronger writing skills (the NAMM Foundation). Learning an instrument teaches discipline, focus, emotional expression, and collaboration. According to Dr. Sarah Wilson, Music Neuroscientist at the University of Melbourne, as little as one hour per week of structured musical practice is enough to see a change in the brain.
Yet funding for instrumental music education remains inconsistent across Oregon schools, and underserved communities often bear the greatest impact. Members of the MYS community can be powerful advocates for voicing the importance of school music programs to leaders at local, state, and national levels. We have compiled the resources below to help you as you share the importance of music education. Please contact Diana Scoggins at dscoggins@playmys.org if it would be helpful for someone from MYS to attend an event, help with communications, etc.
Helpful Links and Resources
Portland Friends of Music
Beaverton Friends of Music
Oregon Music Education Association
Cultural Advocacy Coalition
League of American Orchestras
National Association of Music Education
“This is Your Brain on Music” by Daniel Levitin
“Musicophillia” by Oliver Sacks
“The Brain that Changes Itself” by Norman Doige
Examining the Link Between Music, and Scores for Math, Reading
Arts Education Navigator