Community Concerts

Concert Ticket Information

Community Concerts:

  • Tickets are available on-line and may be purchased at any time before the concert (just show your digital or hard copy receipt at the door to use as your ticket). 
  • Tickets may also be purchased at the venue the day of the show, starting one hour before the performance.
  • For all Community Concerts (except Newmark & The Reser) seating is general admission. Adults $13, Seniors/Students/MYS Alumni $7, current MYS Students Free.
  • Click the link for information about tickets at the Newmark and Reser venues.

Current MYS Student Tickets: 

  • Current MYS students may attend any MYS concert for free.
  • Current MYS Students are not required to have a physical ticket for Community Concerts. Just tell us you are an MYS student at the door!
  • Follow this link for MYS Student Ticket information at Downtown venues, Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall or Newmark Theatre and The Reser.

MYS Alumni:

  • NEW! If you are an alum of MYS, you are able to purchase your ticket at the student rate.

Contact with questions.

COVID-19 Concert Attendance Policy

Audience Members:

Looking for our Symphony Orchestra’s Downtown Series concerts? Follow this link!

Community Concert Series

Location names contain map link.

Saturday, May 10th, 2:30 PM
Location: Village Church

Beginning Strings: Lincoln Street
Beginning Strings: Faubion
Hillsboro Overture Strings
Interlude Orchestra
Portland Chamber Strings
Sinfonietta Orchestra
Concert Orchestra

Saturday, May 17th, 7:00 PM
Liberty High School

Beginning Strings: MLK
Beginning Strings: Bienestar de la Familia
Portland Overture Strings
Hilllsboro Interlude Strings
Hillsboro Chamber Strings
Hillsboro Camerata

Sunday, May 18th, 7:00 PM
All Saints Catholic Church

Symphonic Wind Ensemble
Jazz Ensemble
Jazz All-Stars