Hi everybody,
Thank you for a great rehearsal on Sunday! Please read on to learn about:
- Our rehearsal plan for 12/17/23
- Submission instructions for our optional Leadership Auditions (due 12/22/23)
- Reminder about our Concerto Competition (registration due 12/17/23)
- Sign-up form for our Holiday Party Potluck (happening this Sunday after rehearsal)
Rehearsal plan for Sunday, December 17
- 4:00pm-4:25pm: Tomás Bretón “En la Alhambra”
- 4:25pm-4:55pm: Kenji Bunch “she flies with her own wings” — at quarter note = 92!!!!! please practice!!
- 4:55pm-5:15pm: de Freitas “Suite Alentejana No. 2, Finale”
5:15pm-5:30pm: break
- 5:30pm-5:45pm: “I Want to Run”
- 5:45pm-6:00pm: “Mouche”
- 6:00pm-6:15pm: “Beautiful”
- 6:15pm-6:30pm: “Are You Lonely”
- 6:30pm-6:45pm: “Willow Bed”
- 6:45pm-7:00pm: “I Love You”
If you were not at rehearsal on Sunday, or need replacement practice parts, you can access our digital library here. Password is playmys.
Leadership Auditions
As I mentioned in a previous post, we will hold self-submitted, optional leadership auditions for leadership chairs for our March 2024 concert. If you want to participate, you’ll need to record two scales (major & minor) of your choice, plus 3 minutes (minimum) of solo repertoire of your choice. The deadline for submission is Friday, December 22.
You may submit your video via this Google Form.
Concerto Competition Reminder
The deadline to sign up for our Concerto Competition is this Sunday, December 17 (!!). The competition is open for regular Symphony Orchestra members.
Details and instructions to sign up are here.
Symphony Orchestra Holiday Potluck
Please plan to stay after rehearsal this Sunday to celebrate the holidays together! Families are invited. As soon as rehearsal is done at 7pm, we will reset the room and will start the potluck around 7:15pm. We’ll pick up/clean up between 8:45pm and 9:00pm.
All touring guest musicians are invited, of course!!
Please RSVP and sign up to bring a dish to share here.
Also, please bring your own beverages and reusable cups, plates and utensils.
(keeping this from last week’s post):
Reminder about the timeline leading up to our January 9 concert
If you’re new to MYS Symphony Orchestra this year, it’s important that you understand the quick turn-around that we have before our January concert, with the additional challenge of a holiday break right in the middle.
We have only 2 more rehearsals before our holiday break, and then we come right back to concert week, with evening rehearsals on Thursday, Jan 4; Friday, Jan 5; Saturday, Jan 6, and Sunday, Jan 6 as per our season schedule. There is no rehearsal on Monday, Jan 8, and then our concert is TUESDAY, Jan 9.
This means that your individual preparation (which is always crucial), is more important than ever. So, please practice everything you’re playing!!
Finally, another reminder that I’m conducting The Nutcracker with Oregon Ballet Theatre. There are shows until 12/24. Call the OBT Box Office at 503-222-5538 for student tickets (make sure you select a show with orchestra!).
Dr. G.

MYSfits in rehearsal before their concert on 12/10/23