Hi all,
Thanks for your work on Sunday. We now go into a long holiday break and we see each other again on Sunday, January 5. Below are a few requests for you to do between now and then:
- Please do a ton of listening. As you know, there are reference videos on the main page of this blog. And also, for your convenience, here is a YouTube playlist that contains each piece on our program, in concert order. Please listen every day if possible, even if it’s as background music as you do homework, etc. And even better: pick a piece or movement each day, and do some deep listening, following along with your part or a full score.
- Please practice. Be responsible and be strategic. Bring your individual parts to your absolute best between now and January 5th. You have everything you need to do this. Use your metronome, practice difficult passages SLOWLY. Play along to a recording to help identify challenging moments.
- Please add bar numbers to all pieces. This will save a lot of rehearsal time. Please do it.
All that said, also get some rest. Sleep well. Enjoy the holidays with your loved ones <3
I look forward to seeing you again in the new year.
Dr. G.
Rehearsal Plan for Sunday, January 5, 2025
- 4:00pm-4:25pm: Seas of Glass (whole piece)
- 4:25pm-5:00pm: Rachmaninoff, mov 3 (from #35 to end of piece)
- 5:00pm-5:30pm: Rachmaninoff, mov 1 and 2 (no soloist)
- 5:30pm-5:45pm: break
- 5:45pm-6:15pm: More Rachmaninoff as needed
- 6:15pm-6:40pm: Dvořák (no soloist)
- 6:40pm-7:00pm: Weber (no soloist)
Please add bar numbers to all pieces
Another reminder: please make it a habit to write your name on each of your parts, and add measure numbers at the beginning of each line.
Bonus: this post with reference measure numbers for Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No. 2.
Optional leadership auditions
Optional leadership auditions are due Friday, January 3. This is an opportunity for you to be considered for leadership positions for our March 2025 concert, or to show me your work if you feel my rotations are not giving you the part assignments you’d like. Please record a video with at least 3 minutes of repertoire of your choice. It can be solo repertoire, or any music you’ve played with your ensembles at MYS, school, etc. E-mail me a video link directly at rgomez@playmys.org with the subject line “MYS Symphony Orchestra Leadership Audition.”
Access practice parts on the MYS website
If you misplace your parts and need to print replacements, or need access to PDFs for any reason, you may go to our Online Music Library to find digital files of everything we’re playing.
The password to access our Online Music Library is playmys.
Happy holidays!
Dr. G.

Happy Holidays! | Photography by Richard Kolbell | Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, 11/12/24