Hi everyone,
Thanks for a solid read-through of most of Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto No. 2 on Sunday 11/17, as well as a great first pass at Frazar Henry’s Seas of Glass. Below is our rehearsal plan for Sunday 11/24, plus a link to our friend Richard Kolbell’s photos from our 11/10 concert.
Rehearsal Plan for Sunday, November 24
- 4:00pm-5:00pm – Rachmaninoff, Piano Concerto No. 2 – finish reading the 3rd movement, from reh #34 to the end. PLEASE PRACTICE THE SECTION that starts at #34. Metronome goal is half note = 126.
- 5:00pm-5:30pm – Weber, Clarinet Concerto No. 2 (movement 3) – no soloist
- 5:30pm-5:45pm – break
- 5:45pm-7:00pm – Dvořák, Violin Concerto (movement 3) – no soloist
Add bar numbers to EVERYTHING (and your name too)
Please make it a habit to write your name on each of your parts, and add measure numbers at the beginning of each line. This is good for everything you play, ever, now and forever 🙂
Bonus: this post with reference measure numbers for Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No. 2.
Come support MYS colleagues at Oregon Symphony masterclass this Saturday (11/23)
Leena Karmarkar and Elizabeth Shen will perform in a masterclass by OSO guest soloist Vadim Gluzman. Saturday, November 23 from 10:30am-noon. Location: 851 SW 6th Ave., Portland, OR 97204 – 1st floor – entrance is on the corner of SW 6th and Taylor.

Photos by Richard Kolbell from 11/10 concert
Richard Kolbell’s photos can be accessed below. If you use any of the photos for any purpose (social media, websites, etc), please be sure to credit him (e.g. “photo by Richard Kolbell).
Access practice parts on the MYS website
If you misplace your parts and need to print replacements, or need access to PDFs for any reason, you may go to our Online Music Library to find digital files of everything we’re playing.
The password to access our Online Music Library is playmys.
No rehearsal on December 1
We have Thanksgiving weekend off. But please do practice! Remember this is a shorter concert term compared to our other 3 concerts, and we have a long break for the holidays. Individual preparation is key.
Happy practicing,
Dr. G.

MYS Symphony Orchestra | Photo by Richard Kolbell, Nov 10, 2024