Hi all,
Amazing concert last night. I’ll take some time later in the week to write to you in more detail about our very successful performance.
I just wanted to take a moment today to send our string players the seating roster for our next concert, PDF practice parts for one of the pieces we will be performing on January 9: En la Alhambra by Spanish composer Tomás Bretón, and reference audio.
Reminder: Rehearsal on Sunday 11/19 will be only for bowed strings. No winds, brass, harp or percussion.
- Strings Seating Roster (reminder: my rosters are NOT rankings! – I try to build balanced sections with players of all levels of experience all around the sections).
- PDFs for Bretón’s En la Alhambra
- Reference Audio
Thanks, congrats again, and see you (strings) on Sunday.
Dr. G.