MYS Ensemble Guide
This MYS Ensemble Guide includes information about our ensembles, including the skills required for each group.
Guidelines for Auditions
Auditions for all ensemble types are being accepted and placements will be made on a rolling basis.
We offer live and video auditions for the 2023-2024 season. Students select which type of audition they prefer when registering.
New and returning students (except those who are pre-registered for Symphony Orchestra and Jazz Ensemble by June 9th) must audition for a 2023-2024 ensemble placement. Contact the MYS office if you have questions.
Woodwind/Brass/Percussion players: You may audition for jazz ensemble and for wind ensemble! If you are auditioning for both, you should schedule 2 audition times*, or submit two audition videos; one for wind ensemble/orchestra and one for jazz.
*To schedule a second audition time on the same date as the first audition, choose both audition types and dates and one audition time, then email and we will add the second time on that date. A second audition on a separate date may be selected within the registration form, if desired.
Live Auditions
Students schedule their live audition date and time in the Registration Form. A confirmation email with the selected live audition date and time will be emailed once the registration process is completed. String students may audition at any location. Wind, brass, percussion and jazz students must select a Portland audition date and time. Students should schedule a second audition time* if auditioning on 2 instruments.
*To schedule a second audition time on the same date as the first audition, choose both audition types and dates and one audition time, then email and we will add the second time on that date. A second audition on a separate date may be selected within the registration form, if desired.
Live auditions will include:
- Scales and Solo Repertoire
- Sight Reading
Custom dates for Live Auditions may be requested via the registration form. A member of the MYS Staff will reach out to you to schedule a date and time for your student to audition. Contact if you have questions.
Video Auditions
Tip: check out “Recommendations for a successful audition video” before recording your audition.
Video auditions consist of two recordings: Video 1) Scales & Solo Repertoire and Video 2) Scheduled Excerpts. Smartphone videos are great.
- Video 1) Scales & Solo Repertoire (All instruments and ensembles) This audition recording is a separate recording from the “scheduled excerpts” below, the 2 recordings may be submitted in any order. Please see the requirements below and the recording tips. Detailed instructions will be sent via email upon registration.
- Video 2) Scheduled Excerpts (all ensembles except Jazz)
This replaces the sight-reading element of an in-person audition. It helps MYS faculty evaluate the ability of a student to read and learn music in a timely manner.- Families sign up for 3-day window in the MYS registration form. If none of the offered dates work with your family’s schedule, you may request alternate dates. [See the registration form for details.]
- MYS will email students and parents the orchestral excerpts on the scheduled date. The email will include a link to a PDF as well as information for how to submit recordings. The PDF will contain several musical excerpts in order of increasing difficulty. Students should select and record the two most advanced excerpts that they can perform accurately at the indicated tempo. This includes correct pitches, rhythm, dynamics, articulations, and musical phrasing.
- Excerpts must be recorded with an audible metronome.
- Students are encouraged to listen to professional recordings of the pieces from which the excerpts are drawn. Free recordings of all of the pieces can be found online.
- Students should prepare excerpts without assistance, this includes parents and teachers. Please note: The goal of Scheduled Excerpts is to give students the most accurate placement based on their current skill level. If a student is assisted and then placed in an ensemble that is too advanced, they may become overwhelmed and frustrated, and their experience at MYS will likely suffer.
Our hope is that each family adheres to these guideline so that their child receives the most appropriate placement.
- Students have 3 days to listen, practice, record, and submit their excerpts. Excerpts are due by 11:59 PM of the scheduled due date.
Note: The “Video 1) Scales and Solo Repertoire” does not have to be submitted prior to completing the Scheduled Excerpts Video. An ensemble placement, however, will not be made until both videos are submitted
Custom dates for Scheduled Excerpts may be requested via the registration form. A member of the MYS Staff will reach out to you to schedule a date and time for your student to complete their audition.
Contact if you have any questions.
Important Dates & Information
- February 9-11, 2024 – Spring “Scheduled Excerpts” Dates for Video Auditions
- February 10, 2024 – Live Auditions for Spring Term Dr. King Elementary School
- February 11, 2024 – Video auditions DUE for guaranteed placement in Spring Term.
- March 1, 2024 – Winter Tuition Due
- March 2, 2024 – Winter Term BEGINS
- September 1, 2023 – Tuition DUE
- September 9, 2023 – Fall Term BEGINS
- December 1, 2023 – Winter Tuition DUE for new students
- December 2, 2023 – Winter Term BEGINS
- March 1, 2024 – Spring Tuition DUE for new students
- March 2, 2024 – Spring Term BEGINS
Orchestra and Wind Ensemble Audition Requirements (Live or Video)
- 2 Scales: 1 major and 1 minor (melodic or harmonic). Students may choose to play their scales in 1, 2, or 3 octaves, depending on their skill level and whichever they can execute best. Beginning and early intermediate students may present a second major scale instead of a minor scale.
Woodwinds and brass should also play a chromatic scale. - 4 minutes of solo repertoire: this may be one or two pieces, or multiple selections from the same piece. The music you choose should display contrasting styles and show your highest level of achievement.
Auditions should be recorded or performed without accompaniment.
Percussion Audition Requirements (Live or Video)
ALL students should play a prepared solo of their choice and a selection of rudiments (See below) on the snare drum. All rudiments should be played slow-fast-slow (without stopping). Students should also play scales and a prepared solo of their choice on a mallet instrument (preferably xylophone, if available).
Snare Drum Rudiments:
- Orchestral (multiple bounce) Roll
- Paradiddle
- Flamtap
Beginning students: Prepared mallet instrument solo is optional.
As MYS Percussionists, students are expected to bring their own set of sticks to every rehearsal. Conductors recommend that students purchase the Vic Firth pack for $99 (at Beacock Music) that includes two sets of snare sticks (SD1 and SD2), a pair of yarn mallets (M3), xylo/glock mallets (M6), staccato timpani sticks (T3), and a stick bag.
Jazz Audition Requirements (Live or Video) Audition PDFs updated 6/14/23
(Note for all students: You may audition for both jazz and band/orchestra! If you are also auditioning for band/orchestra, you should schedule 2 audition times or submit two audition videos; one for band/orchestra and one for jazz.)
Pitched Instruments (brass, woodwinds, piano, bass, etc):
- Scales – record or prepare each of the scales below, up & down 2 octaves, at the fastest tempo you can execute with clarity. Memorization is not required.
- D-flat Major
- D-flat Dorian (1-2-b3-4-5-6-b7)
- D-flat Mixolydian (1-2-3-4-5-6-b7)
- Chromatic scale
- MYS Jazz Audition Scale Requirements (PDF)
- Repertoire – record or prepare each of the 4 tunes below, at the fastest tempo you can execute with clarity. Chordal instruments (piano, guitar) should accompany themselves with chords throughout.
- “C Jam Blues” (record 1 chorus melody + 1 chorus solo + 1 chorus melody)
- “C Jam Blues” (B-flat, E-flat, & Piano PDFs)
- “All Blues” (record 1 chorus melody + 1 chorus solo + 1 chorus melody)
- “All Blues” (B-flat, E-flat, & Piano PDFs)
- “Straight No Chaser” (record melody only, 1x)
- “Straight No Chaser” (B-flat, E-flat, & Piano PDFs)
- “Blue Bossa” (record melody only, 1x)
- “Blue Bossa” (B-flat, E-flat, & Piano PDFs)
Notes from our Jazz Director:
The three iterations of the Db scale were chosen for their degree of difficulty and their implications. Meaning, however well a student can play these scales, it’ll be an indication as to how well they can play 90% of the rest of their scales. Not to mention, even if a student were to only learn these three iterations for the purposes of this audition (and has no other scales memorized), they’ll inadvertently be setting themselves up to play so many other scales with minimized effort anyway.
a) “C Jam Blues” is to evaluate “time feel,” as the melody only has two different notes.
b) “All Blues” is (once again) to evaluate “time feel,” but in an odd meter, as the melody is quite simple to learn.
c) “Straight No Chaser” is to evaluate technical fluency.
d) “Blue Bossa” is (once again) to evaluate technical fluency, but over a different stylistic feel.
Record or prepare for live audition each of the rhythms and etude below.
- Swing in 4/4 (16 bars)
- Bossa in 4/4 (16 bars)
- Funk/Rock in 4/4 (16 bars)
- Swing Ballad in 4/4 (8 bars)
- Any rudimental snare etude *Attach or a pdf with submission or bring a printed copy of your etude to your live audition.
*Play each requirement at whatever tempo is most comfortable.
Tip: be sure to check out “Recommendations for a successful audition video” before recording your audition!