Symphony Orchestra Notes – 10.18.22

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Dear MYS Symphony Orchestra,

Great work on Sunday. We had a very productive rehearsal. And kudos to Leo Trajano for a beautiful and moving “back pocket” piece. Way to go!


  • We spent the first half of rehearsal on the first movement of the Dvořák symphony. We did some detailed work on the introduction, and continued building and polishing the rest of the movement. A recurring theme was the energy required in short 8th notes, particularly in the gestures with two quick up-bows (and equivalent in winds and brass).
  • After the break, we dug into the 2nd movement. We worked on defining breaks for breathing in winds/brass, transitions, balance and flow. Remember: this movement shouldn’t sound (or feel) slow. It should flow like a beautiful, simple folk song.
  • Composer and Oregon Symphony Principal Cellist Nancy Ives came to visit. She introduced our collaboration for a commission of a brand new piece from her to be premiered by us next season. This will be a collaborative process. Please make sure to check my separate blog post with Nancy’s information and requests for you.
  • REMINDER: don’t forget to practice what we did in the last rehearsal during the first half of your week. Then, after Tuesday, you can focus on what we’re doing at the next rehearsal.


(see below in red for percussion)*

“Back Pocket” and YCP music are back this week, plus more Dvořák and a visit by a very special friend of MYS.

4:00pm-4:10pm – Project Back Pocket (2 or 3 volunteers). I’ll spin the wheel for names if we have no volunteers. I would love to hear winds or brass on Sunday! Remember… it doesn’t have to be long. 1 minute is plenty. It should be engaging, and something you love.

4:10pm-5:15pm –  YCP: Margot Pullen’s first draft (for March concert), plus work on final versions of the Dances for our November concert.

— break —

5:30pm-6:00pm – Dvořák, Mov. 4

6:00pm-7:00pm – Visit by Carlos Kalmar, Music Director Laureate of the Oregon Symphony. We will work on MOVEMENT 4 of Dvořák with Maestro Kalmar. I said something different in rehearsal, but this is what we will do. MOVEMENT 4.


Percussionists: you’ll be with Kevin downstairs from 4pm to 5:30pm. Then, move upstairs and be ready for Dvořák, Mov. 4 by 6pm at the latest.


  • More Project Back Pocket
  • We’re starting to get pretty close to the concert!! 10/30 will be mostly Dvořák, including definitely movement 3.
  • We might also work on a couple of the YCP dances, depending on how it goes on 10/23.

Thank you, and happy practicing!

Dr. G. 

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