Category: MYSfits
MYSfits Posts
MYSfits: Piazzolla Reference Videos
Hi MYSfits,
Below are reference videos for Piazzolla’s Cuatro Estaciones Porteñas. The first four videos are Piazzolla himself performing with his ensembles. After those, I’m embedding the videos from the 2017 MYSfits performing our arrangements.
Piazzola’s Performances
Verano: 1983 at Teatro Colón; Otoño: Montreal 1984; Invierno and Primavera: German TV in 1985.
MYSfits Videos (March 14, 2017)
You can access all videos and save a YouTube playlist to your accounts here. And below are the individual videos.
[MYSfits] Audio Reference for BodyVox Performances
Hi all,
Because we’re working with dancers, it’s crucially important that we stick to the tempi of the recordings they have been using for their choreography and rehearsals. Below are those tracks.
Note: the 2nd movement of Apocryphal Dances will be an instrumental feature (no dancers).
- Bunch: Apocryphal Dances
- Quesada: El Niño de Isabel
Dr. G.

MYSfits 2023-2024 Schedule
Hi MYSfits!
I will keep the most updated version of our schedule linked here, and on the sidebar (or “Quick Links” at the bottom if you’re on mobile).
Dr. G.