Hi everybody,
I am very proud of everybody’s hard work and inspired by your fearless and passionate playing in our concert last Sunday. CONGRATS!! It was a very fun performance, and I keep hearing very positive feedback from audience members.
I’m writing to share reference videos for our upcoming program, and to let you know about upcoming Leadership Auditions.
Reference Videos
(these can also be found on the sidebar of this webpage)
(Note: we are playing 6 original songs by Jimmie, arranged by YCP composers and guests. The video above is only for you to get to know Jimmie, if you don’t yet)
Leadership Auditions
We will hold self-submitted, optional leadership auditions for leadership chairs for our March 2024 concert. If you want to participate, you’ll need to record two scales (major & minor) of your choice, plus 3 minutes (minimum) of solo repertoire of your choice. The deadline for submission is Friday, December 22.
More information, as well as submission instructions will be sent in the coming weeks.
Reminder: Rehearsal on Sunday 11/19 will be only for bowed strings. No winds, brass, harp or percussion.
I’m also including the links below from my last e-mail:
- Strings Seating Roster (reminder: my rosters are NOT rankings! – I try to build balanced sections with players of all levels of experience all around the sections).
Dr. G.