Hi everybody,
Excellent work with David Danzmayr on Sunday. As I mentioned, he was impressed and I was proud of you. I hope you felt proud of yourselves as well.
This is the home stretch before our concert on Sunday, November 10th: the season opener for our 50th Anniversary Season. Please do practice at home, and be strategic with how you spend your time. I know you’re all very busy with school and other extracurriculars. Make sure to get enough sleep too.
Recap of Sunday and plans for the whole week are below. Please make sure to arrive by 6:45pm for each of our upcoming evening rehearsals.
RECAP of 10/27 rehearsal
- Tchaikovsky with David Danzmayr.
- Crain-Keddie’s Innamorata: letter [R] to end.
- Mazzoli: letter [U] to end of piece.
- Beethoven: we were only able to work briefly on the introduction.
Rehearsal Plan for Thursday, 11/7
- 6:45pm arrival
- 7:00pm-8:20pm: Beethoven
- 8:20pm-8:30pm: break
- 8:30pm-9:30pm: Mazzoli
Rehearsal Plan for Friday, 11/8
- 6:45pm arrival
- 7:00pm-7:45pm: Crain-Keddie’s Innamorata
- 7:45pm-9:00pm: Tchaikovsky (with 10-min break somewhere in the middle)
- 9:00pm-9:30pm: Beethoven
Rehearsal Plan for Saturday, 11/9
6:45pm arrival, then rehearsal in concert order:
- Beethoven
- Crain-Keddie
- Mazzoli
- Tchaikovsky
Sunday, November 10 (concert day)
- Call time: 5:00pm
- Call sheet with all details is linked here.
- 5:30pm-6:15pm – very short on-stage sound-check rehearsal. Concert order.
Extra/replacement parts on the MYS website
- As always, you can find practice PDFs or print your own replacement parts on your Online Music Library. The password is playmys.
Happy practicing,
Dr. G.

MYS Symphony Orchestra in rehearsal with David Danzmayr | Photos by Oregon Symphony, 11/3/24