Hi everybody,
Very good rehearsal on Sunday (10/20). Good work all around. This coming Sunday (10/27), we’ll be two short weeks away from the concert. It’s time to kick into high gear. Also, a reminder that David Danzmayr, Music Director of the Oregon Symphony, will visit our rehearsal and will conduct Tchaikovsky on Sunday, 11/3.
RECAP of 10/20 rehearsal
- Group photos!
- Innamorata, from the beginning to letter [D]
- Tchaikovsky, from K to the end.
- Beethoven: whole piece
Rehearsal Plan for Sunday, October 27
- 4:00pm-4:30pm – Elishiya’s piece Innamorata [D] to end
- 4:30pm-5:15pm – Mazzoli: whole piece
- 5:15pm-5:30pm – break
- 5:30pm-7:00pm – Tchaikovsky (entire piece, in preparation for 11/3 David Danzmayr visit)
Concert dress check make-up
If you didn’t wear your concert clothes last Sunday, please remember to wear them to rehearsal this Sunday. You may bring clothes to change into after you get your concert attire checked and approved by Group Managers.
Reminder: LISTEN to our repertoire constantly
It’s always a good idea to find several different versions of each of the pieces we’re playing. Add them to your regular listening rotation. You can always start with the recordings that I’ve shared on the sidebar of this blog. The more variety you find, the more informed your own performance will be.
Extra/replacement parts on the MYS website
- As always, you can find practice PDFs or print your own replacement parts on your Online Music Library. The password is playmys.
Happy practicing,
Dr. G.

MYS Symphony Orchestra | October 20, 2024