Hi all,
More sectionals this coming Sunday, this time for brass!
Last week (4/14) we spoke about rehearsal punctuality (arrive by 3:45pm!), and planning ahead when it comes to conflicts/absences. Please make sure to have our weeknight rehearsals on your calendars! (June 13, 14 and 15). These rehearsals are required, just like our regular Sunday rehearsals. You must communicate in advance if you have conflicts. Please and thank you.
Also, please remember that the main point of my sending rehearsal plans in advance is that you practice in advance.
Rehearsal Plan for Sunday, April 21
- 4:00pm-5:30pm: Tutti (except percussion), including tour guests
- Castro: Portland Beauty
- Oboe Concerto (no soloist)
- 4:00pm-5:30pm: Percussion with Kevin
- 5:30pm-5:45pm: Break
- 5:45pm-7:00pm: Sectionals
- Brass w/ coaches: Rimsky-Korsakov, Moncayo if there’s time
- RGR with everyone else: Rimsky-Korsakov
Happy practicing,
Dr. G.

From MYS Symphony Orchestra’s “Rooted” | March 3, 2024 | Photo by Richard Kolbell