Hi everybody,
I hope you had a wonderful summer. Welcome back to returning musicians and welcome to new members of MYS Symphony Orchestra!! Also, congratulations again to those of you who were part of our Spain and Portugal tour.
I typically send e-mails to the orchestra on Tuesdays. These e-mails include specific rehearsal plans for the following rehearsal. This information allows you to strategize your practicing so you’ve already learned your individual parts by the time you get to rehearsal.
We’ll talk about this and more topics on Sunday. Please arrive at least 15 minutes before the posted rehearsal time.
Rehearsal Plan for Sunday, September 8
- 4:00pm-4:45pm (approx.): Introductions, welcome message, information about season, etc.
- 4:45pm-5:15pm: Listen to repertoire together
- 5:30pm-5:45pm: Break
- 5:45pm-7:00pm: Read Tchaikovsky’s Romeo and Juliet
Temporary Seating Chart for this Sunday
- A temporary seating chart can be found here (or on the sidebar of this webpage)
- Percussionists: We’ll have assignments by Sunday.
Optional Leadership Auditions due Thursday, 9/12
- If you’re interested on principal chairs, solos, or just want to show me your progress for future assignments, you’re welcome to send me a 3-minute video of your current best playing by the end of Thursday, 9/12. I will update our seating charts based on these optional auditions. Send your links to rgomez@playmys.org with the subject line “Leadership Audition.”
Practice PDFs on the MYS Website
- You can always find practice PDFs or print your own replacement parts on your Online Music Library. The password is playmys.
Happy practicing,
Dr. G.

MYS Ensemble during the 2023-2024 season