Congrats!!! [Symph. Orch. Notes, 11.16.22]

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Hi everyone. HUGE CONGRATS on a very successful concert on Sunday!!! I look forward to debriefing in person this Sunday (11/20).

RECAP (November 10, 11, 12, 13)

  • We had a busy week with our weeknight/Saturday additional rehearsals and our Sunday sound-check and concert. Despite some attendance challenges, we managed to have efficient and productive rehearsals that were conducive to a fun, dynamic, passionate and engaging concert.
  • REMINDER: don’t forget to practice what we did in the last rehearsal during the first half of your week. Then, after Tuesday, you can focus on what we’re doing at the next rehearsal.


There will be no seating auditions to define part assignments for our January 8 concert.

Winds/brass: There are 5 short films in this concert, so we will have a rotation similar to the YCP pieces from our fall term, where everybody gets to play different roles (1st, 2nd, or tacet). I will be creating part assignments in the coming days.

Tutti: please keep an eye out for an e-mail tomorrow or Friday with a seating chart for our January concert.

There *will be* seating auditions to define part assignments for our March concert. The due date for these short video auditions will be Wednesday, January 11. The audition excerpts will be announced in the coming weeks.


(see below in red for percussion)*

  • Debrief on 11/13 concert
  • Watch Eric Carle short films (January 8 concert)
  • Listen to Jennifer Higdon “Cold Mountain Suite” (March 2023 concert)

— break —

  • Project Back Pocket!! (2 volunteers)
  • Read through Pirates of the Caribbean
  • Read through 2 of the Eric Carle pieces


– You will be with the full orchestra the whole time this week.

Thank you, and happy practicing!

Dr. G. 

Symphony Orchestra Notes – CONCERT WEEK!

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Hi everyone! It’s concert week!! I’m excited to work together this week for a thrilling concert on Sunday.


  • In the first half of rehearsal, you worked with guest conductor Deanna Tham on sections of the 1st and 4th movements of the Dvořák Symphony.
  • In the second half, we worked together on movements 3, 1, and a bit of 4.
  • REMINDER: don’t forget to practice what we did in the last rehearsal during the first half of your week. Then, after Tuesday, you can focus on what we’re doing at the next rehearsal.


(see below in red for percussion)*

Thursday, November 10 – 7pm-9:30pm

@ The Madeleine Catholic School – 3240 NE 23rd Ave, Portland, OR 97212

  • Dvořák, Movements 2 and 1
  • YCP: Mississippi Delta Reel, Minuet

Friday, November 11 – 7:00pm-9:30pm

@ The Madeleine Catholic School – 3240 NE 23rd Ave, Portland, OR 97212

  • Dvořák, Movements 3 and 4
  • YCP: Waltz in C# Minor, Swinging 60’s, Courante

Saturday, November 12 – 2:00pm-5:00pm

@ The Madeleine Catholic School – 3240 NE 23rd Ave, Portland, OR 97212

  • RUN-THROUGHS: YCP (no percussion)
  • RUN-THROUGHS: Dvořák (no percussion)

Sunday, November 13 – call time 5pm

Please, please, please be on time. We have VERY limited rehearsal time on stage. The call sheet is here if you need to reference it, though you should have a hard copy and you may also find it on the website.


– You will be with the full orchestra on Thursday and Friday evenings.
– On Saturday, you have your MYSticks concert. You will not be at the Symphony Orchestra rehearsal. Instead, please show up at your call time (3:30pm at the latest) at the concert venue (Rose City Park Presbyterian Church) for MYSticks set-up, soundcheck and concert. Call Sheet for Saturday here.
– On Sunday, please get to the Schnitz at 4:45pm to be ready to help unload the truck and set up the stage right at 5pm.

Thank you, and happy practicing!

Dr. G. 

Concerto Competition: Jan 29, 2023

You will receive a reminder about our Upcoming Concerto Competition in our weekly announcements for the next few weeks. But here’s a reminder as well.

Registration is open as of 11/2/2022. The competition is on Sun, Jan 29, 2023. Winners will perform in March and May. Click the button below for details.

Symphony Orchestra Notes – 11.01.22

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Hi everyone! I hope you had a fun Halloween. Great rehearsal on 10/30. Recap below.


  • In the first half of rehearsal, we rehearsed Waltz in C# Minor and Mississippi Delta Reel. These are our final parts, so please mark them up for yourselves and practice. We will continue work in our last few rehearsals to get everything up to tempo.
  • Then, we did some very detailed work on the trio and coda of the 3rd movement of Dvořák. Next time we play this movement, we should clean up the transition between the scherzo and the trio, with a very gradual, imperceptible tempo adjustment.
  • After the break, we took a few minutes to write on index cards for Nancy Ives, and Project Back Pocket.
  • Finally, we worked on the 1st movement of Dvořák
  • REMINDER: don’t forget to practice what we did in the last rehearsal during the first half of your week. Then, after Tuesday, you can focus on what we’re doing at the next rehearsal.


(see below in red for percussion)*

4:00pm-5:30pm – Dvořák, select spots in movements 1 and 4 (guest conductor: Deanna Tham, pictured below).

— break —

5:45pm7:00pm – Dvořák, Mov. 2 and 4


4:00pm-5:30pm: MYSticks repertoire rehearsal downstairs
5:45pm-7:00pm: full orchestra
Please make sure to GET THERE EARLY SO YOU CAN BE SET UP IN TIME FOR OUR 4PM START! I would recommend getting there at 3:30pm at the latest. Hopefully you can do some pre-setting up upstairs, then head downstairs for MYSticks, then come back up at 5:45pm.


Thank you, and happy practicing!

Dr. G. 

The Magic of Eric Carle

These are the short films that we will be performing for our January 8 concert. Enjoy!

Music by Julian Nott

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MYS Percussion Corner

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Symphony Orchestra Notes – 10.25.22

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Dear MYS Symphony Orchestra,

Wow! You made me very proud in the way you worked with Oregon Symphony Music Director Laureate Carlos Kalmar. WAY TO GO! Sounded great. He was very impressed.


  • In the first half of rehearsal, we read Margot Pullen‘s untitled first draft. This is already a very detailed score, with wonderful textures and colors. We will perform this piece in our March 2023 concert.
  • We also rehearsed 3 out of the 5 YCP Dances for our current program: Courante, Minuet and Swinging 60’s. These are our final parts. Please add this music to your practicing (with a particular focus on getting things up to tempo).
  • After the break, we went over the 4th movement of Dvořák, and then you worked on it with Carlos Kalmar.
  • REMINDER: don’t forget to practice what we did in the last rehearsal during the first half of your week. Then, after Tuesday, you can focus on what we’re doing at the next rehearsal.


(see below in red for percussion)*

4:00pm-4:10pm – Project Back Pocket. No wheel-spinning, but I would love to hear 2 or 3 people, including winds, brass or percussion on Sunday! Also, keep it EASY, short (1 min), simple and effective. The goal of this is not to show off your chops, but to connect with a diverse audience.

4:10pm-4:45pm –  YCP: Waltz in C#, followed by Mississippi Reel.

4:45pm-5:30pm – Dvořák, Mov. 3

— break —

5:45pm-5:55pm – write on index cards for Nancy Ives

7:00pm – Dvořák, Mov. 1 and maybe 2.


Percussionists: you’ll be with the full orchestra the entire time this Sunday. Please make sure to GET THERE EARLY SO YOU CAN BE SET UP IN TIME FOR OUR 4PM START! I would recommend getting there at 3:30pm at the latest.


  • OMG IT’S CONCERT WEEK!! As I mentioned already, please double-check you have our weeknight and Saturday rehearsals on your calendars!!
  • Thu 11/10 and Fri 11/11, 7pm-9:30pm; Sat 11/12, 2pm-5pm
  • Soundcheck rehearsal and concert on 11/13 as per the call sheet.

Thank you, and happy practicing!

Dr. G. 


This applies to woodwinds and horns. All other part assignments for YCP pieces remain the same.

Please see the PDF here or the screenshot below. Cheers!

[update as of 10/25/22: all woodwinds will play Kate Andrew’s Swinging 60’s]

Opportunity: Tilikum Chamber Orchestra

Hi all,

As I mentioned last week, there is an opportunity for Symphony Orchestra string players to join me and the Tilikum Chamber Orchestra for their November rehearsals and concert on December 3. Details are below. Please e-mail me to let me know you’re interested and available to join. I’ll send you all the PDF parts.


Mondays in November (11/7, 11/14, 11/21, 11/28)
Lake Oswego High School, 7:30pm
2501 Country Club Rd, Lake Oswego, OR


December 3, 2022
“A Musical Gift Exchange”
with Guest Conductor: Dr. Raúl Gómez-Rojas
Lake Oswego High School, 7:30pm
2501 Country Club Rd, Lake Oswego, OR


Aaron Copland: Variations on a Shaker Melody
W. A. Mozart: Serenade No. 12 in C Minor for 8 winds (NO STRINGS)
Edward Elgar: String Serenade, Op. 20
Richard Wagner: Siegfried Idyll
Johannes Brahms: Hungarian Dance No. 5

Message from Nancy Ives

Nancy Ives
(photo courtesy of Fear No Music)

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Hello, MYS Symphony musicians!

I’m so excited at the prospect of collaborating with you all to create the shared inspiration for a new piece written especially for you.

Inspiration, the seed that a piece grows from, can come from many sources. As I mentioned on Sunday, I once wrote a piece inspired by a painting that used sound effects on the cello to evoke a hike on a glacier. The main focus was the feeling of joy seen in the hikers in the painting, but the sound effects created a sense of place and transported the audience out of the concert venue and onto the glacier. It didn’t hurt that I performed the premiere in front of the painting, of course!

This piece, Shard, was built on a four-note snippet provided by the commissioner, Portland Cello Project:

Most recently, I wrote a piece inspired by a sculptural installation! Here’s the score.

In this superb performance of In All Our Names, there are several sources of inspiration woven into the music. Musical quotes include bits of Beethoven and a Billy Holliday song, and words are present in two forms: spoken (in translation from the German) and in musical cipher. Here’s the score.

Literature — both prose and poetry — have a great tradition of providing source material and inspiration for music, even apart from being set in music as art song, opera or oratorio. In Celilo Falls: We Were There, Ed Edmo’s poetry and personal reminiscence provided me with musical inspiration aplenty. Joe Cantrell’s photographs added another dimension to the work, but really the source of inspiration he brought me was his the thoughts he shared with me about the timelessness of the human presence on the landscape and the way we are All One.

Here is the score of Celilo Falls: We Were There.

Find a video of the premiere here:

Some press about the premiere of the piece which I think give some sense of what it took for me to do something like this with integrity and not cultural appropriation:

This is the video about A Song of Our Warming Planet:

Here are the scores I played for you:

Don’t get me wrong; music does not need “extra-musical content” to be worthwhile or effective. Not at all! Exploring musical ideas is thrilling, intriguing and enjoyable all by itself. I bring up these other ideas because the ability to use the emotional power of music to explore things of importance to us, such as social justice or climate change, is another of the great gifts of being a musician, and one of the best parts of being a 21st-century musician is the freedom to do non-traditional things in the context of a “classical” piece. It is worth noting that using unusual techniques — such as extended techniques on our instruments, speaking or singing, or using alternative instruments — doesn’t have to be difficult. They can be an extension of the musical ideas in a way that can be emotionally effective, and also just plain fun. Maybe you will think of something completely different than any of this, or maybe one of these things will resonate and spark an idea for something similar. Either way, I look forward to collaborating with you!



Nancy Ives, DMA
Composer; Principal Cello, Oregon Symphony

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