Registration and Tuition Information

Register to Play with MYS:
Registration for the 2025-2026 season will open in early April.

We recommend that students have at least one year of experience before auditioning for an MYS ensemble. Musicians may enroll in an MYS ensemble until they turn 21.

Register by filling out the registration form, and completing the steps below.

  1. Fill out the Registration Form [English] or Formulario de registro [Español] (mandatory)
  2. Pay the non-refundable $40 Registration Fee (mandatory)
    • Note: The $40 registration fee is automatically waived for students who qualify for Free or Reduced Lunch or were part of the Beginning Strings program.
  3. Fill out the Medical Form [English] or Formulario Médico [Español] (mandatory)
  4. Fill out the Volunteer Form (optional)

Have Questions? Check out our FAQs below or contact the MYS office,

Music Theory classes (open to all MYS students)

Music Theory registration will open this summer for the 2025-2026 season. Learn more about the program here.

Music Theory & Composition Program – Click for information
  • Classes will meet online or in-person for the 2024-2025 season.
  • Theory 1-4 classes are offered online Monday or Tuesday evening. Theory: Rhythm & Music Reading will be offered in Portland and Hillsboro in-person on Saturday. Classes last about an hour. See the schedule here.
  • Music Theory tuition is $215 for the 2024-2025 season.
  • To enroll in these classes, complete the Music Theory Registration Form in addition to the main ensemble registration form.
  • New students will be given a music theory assessment in September to help us accurately place students in one of the 5 levels (Music Theory Rhythm & Reading, Theory I, II, III, and IV).
  • Music Theory classes are not required. Still all MYS students are encouraged to enroll.


All new and returning* MYS students audition before the start of each season. This ensures that students are placed in the best ensemble for their ability level. The MYS artistic team of conductors determines which ensemble is the best fit for each student.

We offer Live and Video Auditions for the 2024-2025 season. Click for information.

Live Auditions: Students schedule their Live Audition date in the Registration Form. Live auditions will include solo repertoire and scales, as well as a sight-reading exercise. A confirmation email with the selected live audition date & time will be emailed after the registration process has been completed. String students may audition in Hillsboro or Portland. Wind, brass, percussion or Jazz students must select from the Portland audition dates/times.

Video Auditions: Self-recorded video auditions will consist of 2 parts: solo repertoire and scales and excerpts. The excerpts will be sent to students on a scheduled date and will take the place of sight-reading that occurs in the live audition. Students schedule their excerpt exercise in the registration form. A confirmation email with information about how to submit video auditions will be emailed to you after the registration process is completed.

Custom dates for Live Auditions or Scheduled Excerpts may be requested via the registration form. A member of the MYS Staff will reach out to you to schedule a date and time for your student to complete their audition. Contact if you have questions.

Learn more about auditions and important dates for the 2024-2025 season by following the links below!

*Note: Students enrolled in Symphony Orchestra, Symphonic Wind Ensemble, and/or Jazz Ensemble for the 2023-24 Season who wish to continue playing in their respective groups do not need to re-audition if they register by June 16, 2024. These returning students who register after June 16, 2024 will be asked to re-audition.

2024-2025 Tuition

MYS families pay tuition after receiving their placement into an ensemble.

2024-2025 Full Season Tuition Click for information

Full Season Tuition includes enrollment from September 7, 2024 through the final concert for each ensemble in May or June 2025. See our FAQs below for more information.

2024-2025 Full Season Tuition Information

  • $940 – Overture Strings, Interlude Orchestra, Chamber Strings, Sinfonietta Orchestra, Camerata, Concert Orchestra, Symphonic Wind Ensemble, Jazz Ensemble, Jazz All-Stars
  • $980 – Symphony Orchestra (SO)

Sibling discounts are offered:

  • $940 ($980 SO) – First enrolled student is billed at the highest full rate
  • $845 ($880 SO) – 2nd student receives a 10% discount
  • $760 ($795 SO) – 3rd(+) student(s) receives an additional 10% off the 2nd student rate.

Payment Information

  • Tuition is due by Friday, August 30, 2024. There is no charge to play in a second MYS ensemble. Please pay tuition upon receiving your placement in an ensemble.
  • Payment may be made by credit card via the MYS website (there is a 2% service fee). Tuition can also be paid via check (payable to “MYS”) mailed to our office along with a Tuition Form. Please write your student(s)’s name(s) in the memo line of the check. Tuition payments will not be accepted at rehearsal locations. 
  • Students starting after the first rehearsal on Sept. 7th or 8th will receive a tuition due date upon placement in an ensemble, due date will be within one week after student’s first rehearsal date.
  • $25 late fee will be assessed for payments made after August 30, 2024 or later than one week after student’s first rehearsal if starting after September 7th or 8th.
  • We offer Tuition Assistance. Please apply online or fill out a Tuition Assistance Form (EnglishSpanish) and mail with required documents to the MYS office.
  • Installment Plans are available. For information about paying by installment, contact Sarah McLain at
  • Tuition is non-refundable.
  • No student is turned away for lack of ability to pay, please contact us for more information.
2024-2025 Winter Start Tuition Click for information

MYS offers a pro-rated tuition rate for student joining MYS at the Winter term. This pro-rated tuition covers the remaining 2 terms of the season, through the final concert for each ensemble which occurs in May or June 2025. Winter term rehearsals begin in late November or early December depending on the ensemble. Students will be placed on a rolling basis through early January.

2024-2025 Winter Start Tuition Information

  • $750 – Overture Strings, Interlude Orchestra, Chamber Strings, Sinfonietta Orchestra, Camerata, Concert Orchestra, Symphonic Wind Ensemble, Jazz Ensemble, Jazz All-Stars
  • $785 – Symphony Orchestra (SO)

Sibling discounts are offered:

  • $750 ($785 SO) – First enrolled student is billed at the highest full rate
  • $675 ($705 SO) – 2nd student receives a 10% discount
  • $605 ($635 SO) – 3rd(+) student(s) receives an additional 10% off the 2nd student rate.

Payment Information:

  • Tuition is due by Friday, December 6, 2024 or within 1 week after student’s first rehearsal date, whichever comes first. There is no charge to play in a second MYS ensemble. Please pay tuition upon receiving your placement in an ensemble.
  • Payment may be made by credit card via the MYS website (there is a 2% service fee). Tuition can also be paid via check (payable to “MYS”) mailed to our office along with a Tuition Form. Please write your student(s)’s name(s) in the memo line of the check. Tuition payments will not be accepted at rehearsal locations. 
  • Students will receive a tuition due date upon placement in an ensemble, due date will be within one week after student’s first rehearsal date for students starting after the first rehearsal of Winter term.
  • $25 late fee will be assessed for payments made after December 6, 2024 or later than one week after student’s first rehearsal.
  • We offer Tuition Assistance. Please apply online or fill out a Tuition Assistance Form (EnglishSpanish) and mail with required documents to the MYS office.
  • Installment Plans are available. For information about paying by installment, contact Sarah McLain at
  • Tuition is non-refundable.
  • No student is turned away for lack of ability to pay, please contact us for more information.
2024-2025 Spring Start Tuition Click for information

MYS offers a pro-rated tuition rate for student joining MYS at the Spring term. This pro-rated tuition covers the remaining term of the season, through the final concert for each ensemble which occurs in May or June 2025. Spring term rehearsals begin in early March or April depending on the ensemble.

2024-2025 Spring Start Tuition Information

  • $375- Overture Strings, Interlude Orchestra, Chamber Strings, Sinfonietta Orchestra, Camerata, Concert Orchestra, Symphonic Wind Ensemble, Jazz Ensemble, Jazz All-Stars
  • $390 – Symphony Orchestra (SO)

Sibling discounts are offered:

  • $375 ($390 SO) – First enrolled student is billed at the highest full rate
  • $340 ($350 SO) – 2nd student receives a 10% discount
  • $305 ($315SO) – 3rd(+) student(s) receives an additional 10% off the 2nd student rate.

Payment Information:

  • Tuition is due by Friday, March 7, 2025 or within 1 week after student’s first rehearsal date, whichever comes first. There is no charge to play in a second MYS ensemble. Please pay tuition upon receiving your placement in an ensemble.
  • Payment may be made by credit card via the MYS website (there is a 2% service fee). Tuition can also be paid via check (payable to “MYS”) mailed to our office along with a Tuition Form. Please write your student(s)’s name(s) in the memo line of the check. Tuition payments will not be accepted at rehearsal locations. 
  • Students will receive a tuition due date upon placement in an ensemble, due date will be within one week after student’s first rehearsal date for students starting after the first rehearsal of Spring term.
  • $25 late fee will be assessed for payments made after March 7, 2025 or later than one week after student’s first rehearsal.
  • We offer Tuition Assistance. Please apply online or fill out a Tuition Assistance Form (EnglishSpanish) and mail with required documents to the MYS office.
  • Installment Plans are available. For information about paying by installment, contact Sarah McLain at
  • Tuition is non-refundable.
  • No student is turned away for lack of ability to pay, please contact us for more information.

Tuition & Registration FAQs

Do you offer Tuition Assistance?

Yes, we do! MYS believes that every student deserves access to music education, regardless of their background or economic circumstance. No student is turned away for lack of ability to pay. Please review the Financial Aid page for more information about Tuition Assistance.

Do you offer Installment Plans?

Yes, MYS offers 2, 3, 4, and 5 payment plans. To enroll, fill out the installment form and return it to the office with your first payment. If you have any questions about installments or need to break down payments further, contact Sarah McLain,

When does the 2024-2025 MYS Season begin and end?

Rehearsals for the 2024-2025 season begin on Saturday, September 7th or Sunday, September 8th. The season ends with each ensembles’ final concert which will occur in May or June 2025. There are no rehearsals after the final concert of the season.

I have a conflict with a Fall activity, can I join MYS later in the season?

MYS is a full-year program but students may join MYS at the Winter or Spring terms, based on availability, and will be offered a pro-rated tuition rate for participation in the remainder of the season.

When does the Winter/Spring term start?

The first rehearsal of Winter or Spring term will occur the week following the Fall or Winter concert for each ensemble. Students entering MYS at the Winter or Spring terms will be given a personal start date based on their ensemble placement.

How should I pay tuition?

When students receive their placement, the placement email will include tuition information. Please wait until your student receives a placement to pay tuition.

  • We accept check, cash, or credit card payments.
  • Tuition may be paid via credit card through the MYS website or by calling the MYS Office, (503) 239-4566. There is a 2% surcharge for credit card payments.
  • Checks may be mailed or dropped off at the MYS Office, 4800 S Macadam Ave, Ste 105, Portland, OR 97239. We recommend that cash payments be made in person at the MYS Office. Please include the Tuition & Committment Form with your payment.
  • Payments are not accepted at rehearsal sites.
Is the registration fee refundable?

The $40 registration fee is not refundable. If you have questions about this, please call the MYS office, 503-239-4566, or contact

Are tuition fees refundable?

Tuition payments are not refundable. If you have questions about this, please call the MYS office, 503-239-4566, or contact

Is there a discount or credit if my student takes a break mid-season or does not complete the season?

There are no discounts, refunds, or credits available for students who begin the season in September and take a mid-season break or finish the season early. If you have questions about this, please call the MYS office, 503-239-4566, or contact