Rehearsal Plan for Sunday, May 19

Hi all,

Thank you for your work with Mr. McCurdy and with Amir on Sunday. I enjoyed listening to the last 30 minutes of rehearsal. Below is our plan for this Sunday.

Rehearsal Plan for Sunday, May 19

  • 4:00pm-5:30pm:
    • Castro: Portland Beauty (with tour guests)
    • Moncayo: Huapango (with tour guests)
  • 5:30pm-5:45pm: Break
  • 5:45pm-6:15pm: Music for an Imaginary Cartoon
  • 6:15pm-7:00pm: Capriccio Espagnol

Happy practicing,

Dr. G.

Margaux Hicks with MYS Concert Orchestra | May 12, 2024 | Photo by Kyra Hanson

Posted in Symphony Orchestra

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